Missions Statement

Decisions Or Destiny Worldwide Missions Advocates for the rights of children worldwide; strengthening communities by meeting basic needs of the economically challenged. Equipping children with the tools needed to reach their full potential. 

DODM is an Ephesians 4:11-16 teaching ministry, training leaders on Biblical Principles and the unadulterated TRUTH of the MOST HIGH GOD, for the equipping of Kingdom Citizens.

DODM is a nonprofit organizations, ALL donations are tax deductible.


Podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and many other platforms. Monthly on Kit-KAT Moment, Revelations of LIFE.

Conversations with Prophets from on both sides of the water, on timing and seasons we are living in.

YouTube Channel - DODM Worldwide LIFE Centre 

Threshing Floor Retreat

November 11-13, 2022

Keystone Acres, 12830 River Road Chesterfield, Va

PRAYER Podcast

Weekly Broadcast

Sundays and Midweek @ O'Dark:30 AM

In PlainSight

Weekly Broadcast

Facebook LIVE Wednesdays 1:30 PM

Contact Information

Khedijah I. Vidal, Apostle of The MOST HIGH GOD

Office Phone: 804-248-2441  via E-mail: 

Office Hours: Sunday - Wednesday 12 PM - 4:30 PM EST

Thursday - Friday 9 AM - 2 PM EST